Recreation in Sherburne
2024 Summer Recreation Schedule

Paddleford Park
Paddleford Park offers a community pool, playground, pavilions, lighted baseball fields and youth recreation programs.
For pavilion reservations call (607) 674-2300.

Rexford Falls
A pedestrian bridge spans the deep Mad Brook gorge at the crest of Rexford Falls, providing an easy-to-reach vantage point and leading to the undeveloped park along Route 80. Mad Brook flows through a long, gradual shoot and then drops into the deep gorge at Rexford Falls.
The falls are about seventy-five feet high. Below the falls the steep, rocky banks of the stream rise to a height of nearly one hundred feet and form a narrow, romantic gorge. At the foot of the falls is a strong sulfur spring, the waters of which have been used beneficially for cutaneous diseases.